Supporting Your Child
Virtual learning consists of a partnership between students, families, teachers. It can be a new concept for many or some may still struggle in the online learning environment. We have provided a variety of support strategies to assist our families as they become a pivotal partner in their child’s education, so that all students may be successful in the virtual learning environment.
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How can I help my child?
When learning moves between the school building and the home, family members may need to take a more active role in their student’s education.
If your student is new to virtual learning, you’ll notice some differences from in-person learning including how teachers interact with students and how their progress and growth are measured. Even with these changes, both you and your student’s teachers remain crucial components of their success.
The biggest change will be in how the instruction and curriculum are made available to your student. No matter your student’s age, skill level, or ability, it’s good to regularly check in on them to help monitor their progress and remind them that you’re still invested in their academic growth and achievement. Talk through challenges with them, and encourage them to work through struggles. And as you can, celebrate successes, both big and small.